'A Freeform Poetry Exercise?'

An Exercise Free form poem First thing that comes to mind — Road head, let's get 'ROCKED!' she said Then he hit a dog. He blamed her. She blamed his dick.* —

I hit a dog once. A puppy. It head just high enough to be clipped by the front fender of my car. A another dog, a friend maybe, ran to see if it was ok. It wasn't. It hurts to write this. Don't know where it came from. I kept driving. Hysterical. Said some kind of prayer for it. In my head I envisioned a better world for it. A world just for dogs. Like All Dogs Go To Heaven. Sorry puppy. I never named you. You may not have even lived long enough to get a name. Everett. Little Everett the jaywalking dog. God damn I just kept fucking driving. Sorry Everett.

It felt good to get this out. I hope you don't think less of me for it. Take heart that I'm gonna spend the rest of my days ensuring it never happens again. But I don't know man. It happened too fast for me to react. Didn't it?

I think I should try this exercise more often. Also 'road head' just so happened to be the first thing I thought of because that Def Leppard song 'Let's Get Rocked' was playing a minute ago on the work radio when I started writing. I guess Def Leppard makes me think of road head. Ok I gotta get back to work.

RIP Everett. Too young. I'm really fucking sorry.

*I edited in this part afterward to lighten it with a bit of dark humor. Had to cheer myself up a bit after this one.